Yeah! Good job! Go! Go! Go! Yes! Alright! Got it! Now head back to the door! You have to find some fuel pods! Don't waste so much fuel! I hope you didn't waste all the fuel pods getting here. Getting back is going to be tough. You really need some fuel. Can you make it? Did you pass any fuel on the way? Your chances don't look good. Perfect! No problem! That was easy! You didn't peek when I placed the key, did you? Wow, that was fast! How did you find it so quickly? What a stroke of luck! Piece of cake! That was quick! Get the lead out! Your bonus is running out! tick...tick...tick... C'mon, slowpoke! The clock's ticking... Hurry up and get back! It's about time! I hope you don't take this long to get back. Finally! Took you long enough.